PCC Secretary: Colin Senior

Email: c173senior@btinternet.com


Baptisms (Christenings) are usually conducted on the 1st Sunday of the month during the 10am Holy Communion service for families on the church electoral roll or in a separate service at 12pm after the 10am service. For those familes not on electoral role date and time will be agreed after a meeting with the family.

We welcome all from this parish for baptism, including those who regularly attend worship here but live in another parish in the wider area. Those outside the parish and without a direct current link with the Church should approach their local church for baptism there.

Because baptism indicates a desire to bring children up in the Christian faith, it is important that there is a connection with the Church community where that faith is formed and nurtured.  This is because baptism is not supposed to be an isolated event, but part of a journey of faith in which worshipping in the Church will be an important ingredient now and in the future.

If you don’t already come to Church, now would be a good time to start. We aim to make parents and children welcome and provide for their needs. 

If you would like your child to be baptised then the arrangements are made on Sunday mornings after the 10am service. Do come to the service  and then join us for tea or coffee when you can then arrange the date for the service and also arrange a date when the family and the godparents can meet with the priest to talk about baptism and the service. This is important as it is a time to explore what Christians understand about baptism and talk through the service.

If you are an adult and would like to know more about the Christian Faith with a view to being Baptised then do come to one of our services on Sunday or Wednesday and have a chat.

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